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Krisgraphx Concept2011 Art Gallery - Krisgraphx Concept2011 Artworks

Krisgraphx Concept2011 Art Gallery - Krisgraphx Concept2011 Artworks

"http://www.mecenat-cardiaque.org/ is an organization that saves the lives of some children heart of poor countries. You can visit their website at the address above and make a donation. For my part, I had surgery a few years ago, my life was saved by a quadruple bypass. Since, like many other heart, I feel concerned and supportive of other cardiac"

Krisgraphx Concept2011
Krisgraphx Concept2011
Artworks added the
Added October 30 2011
Added October 22 2011
Added October 16 2011
Added October 8 2011
Added October 1 2011
Added September 20 2011
Added September 18 2011
Added September 17 2011
Added May 26 2011
Added February 11 2011
Added December 28 2010
Added December 27 2010
Added December 26 2010
Added December 25 2010
Added December 24 2010
Added December 23 2010
Added December 22 2010
Added December 20 2010
Added December 19 2010
Added December 1 2010
Artworks Media
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Artworks from 1 to 25 (on 92 total)

Julienne Ailleur

Scène automnale

Marie Claire

Clear Dark


Tendress Azur

Shadows and Lumieres

Infinite Tendress

Softness 3

Softness 2

Softness 1

The Little Bouffon

Farniente Erotic

The Ballerina


Space 4

Space 3

Space 2

Naked weapon

Marie Say Extase


Tenderness and passion

Lumiere games 2

Lumière games

Field rest

http://www.mecenat-cardiaque.org/ is an organization that saves the lives of some children heart of poor countries. You can visit their website at the address above and make a donation. For my part, I had surgery a few years ago, my life was saved by a quadruple bypass. Since, like many other heart, I feel concerned and supportive of other cardiac patients. I am French but I live in Morocco, a country where there is still much poverty and, in 2006, I was confronted with a situation that challenged me. In the basement of a building near my home in Temara, lived a family of 5, very poor, and among them a boy of 4 years, Anes, never went out, the reason was that he was born with a heart defect. The least effort it became blue. I felt concerned and I decided to help. That's how I knew 'patronage heart surgery'. After months of lobbying by the association and various controls in hospitals Moroccans, Anes was made in Paris. Now he plays with kids his age and is also going to school. This is the best reward for my efforts that I can have. The association is responsible for surgery and accommodation for children any time she does not fund the trip. For my part, with the help of another person with a big heart, we set the ticket to Anes. This rescue is rumored, and since I was contacted by other families with children is a major heart disease, some have already died, but others are waiting for me to accompany them in the steps to be made through ' Sponsorship heart surgery '. The eternal problem for these very poor families is the price of the trip, even by selling everything they own is not enough to buy a plane ticket. My personal means are very limited, we are 3 and we live with only my disability pension. Because of this, I thought to sell pictures on this site hoping to sell some to pay for tickets and save some children who have high expectations of me but you. Of course, people who have the good heart to please help me by buying a piece, will be kept informed of my efforts and the outcome. We rely heavily on these sales, however modest they are, because they are vital for some children. Thank you Christian DUPLA
[Biography - Krisgraphx Concept2011 - 3Ko]

  - Acquisition d'oeuvres Digital Numérique Document Page de Krisgraphx Concept2011
Le prix de toutes les oeuvres numériques est fixé à 15€ Ce prix correspond à l'envoie de l'oeuvre par e-mail que vous pourrez faire imprimer au format maximum 70x105 cm
[Page - Krisgraphx Concept2011 - 2Ko - 2011]

  - Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque Document Page de Krisgraphx Concept2011
http://www.mecenat-cardiaque.org/ Le hasard de la vie a voulu que, il y a quelques années maintenant, j'habitais à Temara, au Maroc, à côté d'une famille très pauvre qui logeait dans un garage. Dans cette famille il y avait un petit garçon de 4 ans atteint d'une grave malformation au niveau cardiaque et qui était condamné à brève échéance. Pour ma ...
[Page - Krisgraphx Concept2011 - 4Ko - 2010]