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Buy Print on canvas - Tomas Castaño - Bravo bull in red

"Ten years later the mythical rock band Urge Overkill, famous for the musical band from the movie "Pulp fiction", releases their new album OUI. The cover is my work Brave bull #urgeoverkill #dominiquetrixx Diez años después, la mítica banda de Chicago Urge Overkill, famosa por la banda sonora de la película "Pulp fiction" de Quentin Tarantino, lanza"

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Buy Print on canvas - Tomas Castaño - Bravo bull in red

Tomas Castaño - Bravo bull in red
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ArtsCad Giclee/Print on canvas

We offer 100% Satisfaction Guarantee on al our photo to Art custom hand made painting ArtsCad.com use only the most modern and efficient printing technology on our canvases, based on the Giclée printing procedure. This innovative high resolution printing technique results in durable and spectacular looking prints of the highest quality. ArtsCad.com only uses the highest quality inks, with extreme UV resistance. Your artwork will hold its beautiful colors for up to 75 years!

Average delivery time is one week based on location. We use the following carriers and will send you the tracking code after your painting has been shipped : DHL, UPS, FedEx, etc.. If you are not 100% satisfied we will refund 100% of your order.

Giclee/Print on canvas

   27 "   
  Tomas Castaño - Bravo bull in red  
27 " 

Unframed Giclee/Print - Rolled in a tube
Worlwide shipping !
Average delivery time is one week based on your location. We ship by DHL and we sent you the tracking code.

Gift Service
Gift wrap + Gift card with your message. (After submitting your order, write the Gift Message trough the links sent in the order confirmation)
  • Giclee/Print on canvas
  • Print-on-Canvas ArtsCad [{SRVV-AD2CZ2}]
  • Dim(27 x 27 inches (69 x 69 cm))
  • Shipping(Standard/Slow)
  • Tomas Castano-Bravo bull in red
  • Standard/Slow - 28 Days - Free
  • Copyright fees - Tomas Castaño [32USD]

96 USD
For any information please contact us on ArtsCad@ArtsCad.com
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 Tomás Castaño pintor español en la IBERO-AMERICAN ART FAIR - Seoul - Korea   Tomás Castaño invitado por Bellarte Gallery, representará a España en la IBERO-AMERICAN ART FAIR - Seoul - Korea, junto a autores como Roberto Fabelo, Oswaldo Guayasamin, Fernando Botero, Hernán Miranda, Jorge Perugorría, Miguel Paredes entre otros grandes artistas iberoamericanos